After taking on WhatsApp, messaging app Telegram is now challenging the rising popularity of the voice-only app Clubhouse by adding additional features. The three-way-battle is on and it seems the winner will take it all.
- With its 5 additional new features, Telegram has posed a challenge to WhatsApp and has recently witnessed a swell in popularity from the day WhatsApp had published its privacy policy.
- Clubhouse app, which has recently become famous amongst the Millenials, is an invite-only application that is currently available solely for iPhone users. However, reports say that developers of the app would soon be going to propel the Android version following the same platform as that of Telegram. And, Telegram has opened a front against Clubhouse as well.
- But with add features listed below Telegram enhances its Voice Chat experience:
- Endless voice chat
Now voice chat on channels can be listened to by an unlimited number of users. Telegram said that the innovation will turn the app into a new public radio. You can chat as much as you desire with no limit and stoppage! - Live audio recording
Admins and other approved members of the channels will be entitled to even record portions of the voice chats which they can be used later to advertise for the benefit of the users. - Speak in experience between a live chat
There will be scope for interference in a live chat conversation by tapping on the “raise hand icon”. This way members of the chat will be able to contribute to the live chat communication in a meaningful manner. - Easy creation of invite links
Now admins of different public groups and channels will be able to conceive invite links that open the voice chat. Separate links can be made for speakers and listeners. - Pick the one you want to join
When you are on your way to enter a voice chat in a channel, users will have an option to join with a personal account or appear as one of their channels. You can choose and select the member you want to join and chat at your own ease.
- Endless voice chat
- There are a few other changes as of this update, too, like the alternative that makes it simpler to switch between groups before sending links, as well as a resume playback button. In a blog, the spokesperson of Telegram said, ” while some conversation is meant to be temporary, others are worth preserving and passing on. Admins can now tape audio from voice chats to save talks and publish them for followers who missed the live event”.
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