The VA has extended the pause on its Electronic Health Record Modernization project, which uses the Oracle Cerner EHR, due to concerns that the system is not yet ready for deployment. The VA is looking to renegotiate the terms of its contract with the EHR vendor. The agency faces several legislative efforts in Congress to improve standards for the EHR modernization project, including bills that would require VA to demonstrate that the new EHR meets performance metrics before deployment and that would force VA to pull the plug on the Oracle Cerner EHR.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has extended the pause on its Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) project rollout. The Oracle Cerner EHR is not yet ready for the planned June deployment in Saginaw, Michigan. VA leadership will not deploy the new EHR system at any facility until they are confident it is ready to deliver for veterans and VA providers. VA is looking to renegotiate the terms of its contract with EHR vendor Oracle Cerner. Denis McDonough, VA secretary, told House appropriators last week that the agency has yet to finalize its go-live decision for Saginaw.
The VA faces four legislative efforts in Congress that, if passed, would ramp up standards for the EHR modernization project. Senate VA Committee Ranking Member Jerry Moran introduced one of the most recent EHR reform bills with 11 colleagues. The VA EHR Modernization Standardization and Accountability Act would require VA to demonstrate that its new EHR meets performance metrics at the five sites already using it before deployment to additional medical centers.
The VA EHR Modernization Standardization and Accountability Act would also require VA to create a “plan B” for the Oracle Cerner EHR if the vendor doesn’t agree to new contract terms that increase accountability and penalties for poor performance. In February, top Republicans on the House VA Committee introduced the VA Electronic Health Record Modernization Improvement Act, which would require significant improvements from the EHR before further implementation in VA care settings.
An additional bill, led by House VA Committee Chairman Mike Bost and Technology Modernization Subcommittee Chairman Matt Rosendale, would force VA to pull the plug on the Oracle Cerner EHR. Top Democrats on the House Veteran Affairs Committee, meanwhile, have introduced bills that broadly target the VA’s IT and acquisition projects. The Manage VA Act would require the VA to create an undersecretary for a management position to oversee IT and acquisition decisions. The VA IT Modernization Improvement Act would require VA to hire a third-party auditor to oversee the rollout of major IT programs.
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