Steven Lazer, global healthcare and life sciences chief technology officer at Dell Technologies, discussed Dell’s role in supporting digital health and collaborating with partners to create innovative solutions. Lazer highlighted the importance of technology infrastructure and minimizing bias in the development of AI solutions for the clinician community. The interview emphasized the critical role of technology companies in driving digital health innovation and effective solutions for healthcare providers.
Steven Lazer, global healthcare and life sciences chief technology officer at Dell Technologies, discusses Dell’s role in digital health and how the company collaborates with partners to create innovative solutions for healthcare and life sciences. Lazer emphasizes the importance of technology infrastructure in supporting digital health capabilities and ensuring that new technology solutions do not create an additional burden for providers.
When the topic of AI is brought up later, Lazer acknowledges that it still needs to advance before biases can be eliminated and it can be trusted by the clinical community. He acknowledges that bias is hard to eradicate because it is based on unique perspectives and experiences, but stresses the significance of limiting bias to ensure that AI can properly carry out its intended job.
Overall, the interview highlights the critical role that technology companies like Dell play in supporting digital health innovation and creating solutions that are effective and efficient for healthcare providers. The discussion around AI also underscores the challenges that exist in developing unbiased AI solutions but suggests that continued collaboration and early involvement from diverse perspectives can help to address these challenges.